If your family is like ours, you spend a lot of time congregating in the kitchen. This means that it is important to having everything running properly. Faucets are a common kitchen problem. Two common kitchen faucet issues that, when simple, can be diagnosed and fixed by you are leaks and abnormal water flow.
A popular faucet used today is a pull out spray. This is exactly as the name describes it, a head of a sink that can be pulled out to direct spray. If you have a leak on the faucet of a pull out spray, there a few steps you can take to fix the issue. First, you will need to turn the water off. This can be done by turning the “stops” found under the sink until water flow is stopped. Modern stops normally require a quarter turn, but if you have an older model you might have to turn for a while until the water shuts off. Now that the water is off, you can take the spray piece apart. This is a main source of leaking because when the pull out spray is used, the spray head can become loose. This is easily fixed by removing the spray head and reattaching it to ensure it is screwed on tightly. This can be done by hand, no tools required. Finally, turn on the water to check that the leak has been fixed. If the faucet it still leaking, it is time to call a plumber to find the issue.
Another issue is abnormal water flow. At the connection between the hose and the sprayer head, there is a screen that can collect debris. If there is debris behind this screen, you will need to call a plumber. If debris is on the detached head piece, you can clean this out yourself in another sink. After debris is cleared, the sprayer head can be hand tightened back on to the hose.
To keep your kitchen faucet working properly, we recommend that you check your faucet every month. If you experience any issues other than those we have discussed, you will need to contact a plumber. Here at Sirius Plumbing and Air Conditioning we are prepared to handle any issues, we have seen it all! Contact us at 972.235.6600 or for the fastest service, please fill out the service request form on our website.